9th. Compass Europe Conference (Rím, Taliansko)

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Termín - 06.február 2019 - 10.február 2019

Miesto konania
Auditorium San Domenico

Dear Friends:

We warmly invite you to join us in Rome for the 9th. Annual Compass conference.
Our theme will be Jesus’ command to “put this money to work, until I come back.” (Luke 19:13)
Our hope and goal is to hear from Jesus, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
There will be inspirational talks and discussions with entrepreneurs Viktor & Doris Martens from Germany, Dr. Leonard de Chirico from Rome and myself.
Dr. Andres Panasiuk will lead us in morning Bible expositions.
There will be enough time to explore beautiful Rome and make new friends from many nations.
The conference will be tri-lingual in German, French and English.  Please find attached some flyers with basic information.
You can find full information one registering at www.compass1.eu/rome2019
We look forward to seeing you in Rome!

Arrivederci a Roma!